Dealing with a cluster headache attack

The start of dealing with a cluster headache attack

It will probably be grim

Ways you can improve dealing with a cluster headache attack


Breaking the attack down

Breathing and feeling

Man dealing with a cluster headache attack by using breathing technique

  1. Box breathing
  2. 639 breathing, or as I call it; love breathing.

Box breathing
  1. Breathe in to your nose for 4 seconds.
  2. Hold that breath for 4 seconds.
  3. Exhale through your nose for 4 seconds.
  4. Hold again for 4 seconds.
Explains box breathing
Box breathing

639 or love breathing
explains love breathing
Love breathing

Relaxing the nervous system

During attacks

Nerves in the jaw
The nerves in the jaw where we experience the pain

Anatomy of the throath
Image from

Macabre game of hide and seek

Outside the attacks

Becoming better at dealing with a cluster headache attack

Woman waking up

The second reason

Going into the pain

To close

Man meditating

Taking it further

Remember friends; you ALWAYS w